Saturday, July 13, 2024

Power and Wealth

 The Chinese Proverbs

"Look not for the donkey you are sitting on." Dao Yuan

"So you want to rule the world? That is like climbing a tree to look for fish. It is impossible." Mencius

Living in this world is all about control, which comes from power and wealth. Control means you can make people do what you want them to do for you. But people want to do what "they" want to do, and not what "you" want them to do. So it's like "climbing a tree to look for fish." 

Wealth is getting "more and much more." You may already have the wealth--like riding a donkey and looking for another donkey.  Even though what you already have may not be too much for you, at least learn to count your blessing, instead of your greed for more.

No matter what, power and wealth can never satisfy you because "nothing lasts" and everything will become nothing, no matter you're riding a donkey or climbing a tree.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau


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